So I decided to add the main character from my creator-owned comic to this piece. I've been experiencing severe withdrawal from not having scribbled the ol' guy in a while, and it is just satisfying to draw him up again. mmm...DaoRoch
here's some honest-to-goodness inked sequential art. i was beginning to think it was never gonna happen. pencils and inks for the first two pages of "The Tourist," ladies and gentleman.
the theme at wednesday's sketch night was mythological gods and monsters. i went with the hydra, and I think I can cultivate this into a cool piece...perhaps.
You've somehow stumbled upon my blog. Welcome! I can only do my best to make your visit a pleasant one. During your stay, you'll have access to all the fine amenities I've painstakingly provided. Just make sure and keep the kids away from your monitor. My drawings have been known to cause euphoria, spontaneous combustion, insanity, amoebic dysentery, and vertigo, simultaneously. If you have a history of these illnesses, please excercise caution when viewing the work contained within this site. For shizzle, on the rizzle...scooby dooby dizzle, and all by bibble. Wait, what? It's ok. I'm allowed to talk that way...I'm Puerto Rican. "oh, that's completely inappropriate, and this guy is just looking for an excuse to proclaim his Puerto Ricanism." It's funny because it's true.
About Me
I live and work in Chicago, where I was born and raised.