It's been a while since I posted anything. I've been busy working on "The Tourist," as well as drawing material for the upcoming WizardWorld Chicago Convention. Good times. Here are the pencils on one, of what will hopefully be many, prints I'l be hocking at the con. Love me some Watchmen.
You've somehow stumbled upon my blog. Welcome! I can only do my best to make your visit a pleasant one. During your stay, you'll have access to all the fine amenities I've painstakingly provided. Just make sure and keep the kids away from your monitor. My drawings have been known to cause euphoria, spontaneous combustion, insanity, amoebic dysentery, and vertigo, simultaneously. If you have a history of these illnesses, please excercise caution when viewing the work contained within this site. For shizzle, on the rizzle...scooby dooby dizzle, and all by bibble. Wait, what? It's ok. I'm allowed to talk that way...I'm Puerto Rican. "oh, that's completely inappropriate, and this guy is just looking for an excuse to proclaim his Puerto Ricanism." It's funny because it's true.
About Me
I live and work in Chicago, where I was born and raised.